The technical department of PROFIcomms s.r.o. is ready to provide partners with technical support at the highest possible level. The company's technical specialists are trained and certified directly from the manufacturers whose technologies PROFIcomms s.r.o. offers to its partners. They consult with our customers on technical parameters, optimal settings and configuration of units, possible non-standard or problematic behavior of units and entire networks and systems. In the company laboratory, they test individual elements and model the functionality of the units even on a complex scale.


Are you solving a technical problem related to switches, routers, PON systems or wireless units?



After registering in the portal, you will be able to enter tickets for solving technical problems, enter the Wiki section and the option to download current firmware, manuals and other software will be available to you.


Do you need to settle a complaint? 



Do you need advice directly from technical specialists? 

Telco and wireless networks

Ing. Karel Vilím                                 Ing. Daniel Prokop Mgr. Jakub Dobeš  
Phone: +420 548 210 406 kl. 208 Phone: +420 548 210 406 kl. 293 Phone: +420 548 210 406 kl. 261
Mobil: +420 736 625 808 Mobil: +420 736 625 793 Mobil: +420 736 625 761
E-mail: vilim(a) E-mail: prokop(a) E-mail: dobes(a)
Head of technical department,
Technical support ADVA(MRV)
Technical support Gigalight,
Apac, Ruckus Wireless,
Transition Networks 

Technical support Raisecom,
Brocade, Hioso

Milan Marek                         Ing. Ondřej Zapletal                                                                                
Phone: +420 548 210 406 kl. 206 Phone: +420 548 210 406 kl. 219  
Mobil: +420 736 625 806 Mobil: +420 736 625 619  
E-mail: marek(a) E-mail: zapletal(a)  
Technical support for data centers Technical support Inteno, Raisecom  

CCTV networks

Ing. Jiří Pospíšil                                                   Ing. Jaroslav Kašpar                                                                                                         
Phone: +420 548 210 406 kl. 292 Phone: +420 548 210 406 kl. 212  
Mobil: +420 736 625 792 Mobil: +420 736 625 812  
E-mail: pospisil(a) E-mail: j.kaspar(a)  
Technical support for CCTV Technical support for CCTV